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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

0 Scented Shoelaces Review and Giveaway Ends 10-18

I am so excited about this company and product line. This is sure to be a big hit with the little ones. Scented Shoelaces have a variety of shoelaces in different designs and scents!

Scented Shoelaces are available in the most adorable designs and each are scented to match. Coming soon is a wider variety of products. I was sent a package which included shoelaces, tote bags, and scratch and sniff stickers. As soon as the package came in the mail, my daughter (Kali, who is 8 years old) was so excited, she wanted to rip them all open. I've made her wait because I wanted to get pictures for the review.

I haven't seen her this excited in a while. Now that I've finally let her open them and play, you'd think I just let her open her Christmas presents or something. She already has such big plans with what she is going to do with each one and how she is going to show her friends.

I can definitely see this product blowing up, with kids wanting to collect them all and trade with their friends. Prior to getting them, you couldn't make my daughter wear shoes that lace up. Now she wants to wear them to show off her new cool laces. Of course, you get a little 8 year old barrelling at you with a shoelace tied to her wrist, out of nowhere saying "Smell this". Oh, the energy of these kids...if only I had some of that energy!

The laces have a faint but unmistakeable scent to them. The ones with candy on them actual smell sweet and the one with pizza on it smells like pizza spices. The scratch and sniff stickers smell amazing too. What a fun product line for kids! I am getting into it too and absolutely love the tote bags. Out of the three, I claimed dibs on my favorite right away and use it to take my lunch, book, etc to work.
**I would like to add in that since I originally posted this, I've been using the shoe laces myself and have to say that the scents are very strong, where at first I posted that they had a faint scent. I must not have scratched them right at first. I put a pair with gumballs in my running sneakers and absolutely love my shoelaces. I am a big kid at heart and am just as excited about these products as my daughter.**

Check them out online. You can also request a catalog and they'll work with you on school fundraisers. 

One lucky reader will win a prize pack of Scented Shoelaces. 
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