They sent me an absolutely adorable outfit for my daughter. The shirt fit perfectly, and the colors go so well together. They are a sturdy cotton with firm stitching. The skirt has built-in shorts, which for my daughter is a necessity. She is a tomboy who loves to dress girly....if that makes any sense. She will dress up and look so pretty, just to sit with her legs open and show her panties.
Unfortunately, I've never been to a Hartstrings store, and this is the first time I've been introduced to their clothing. I have to say, that I am impressed by both shirt and skirt that I was sent and will be seeking them out when I see a store. On the store locator, the closest to me is over 30 miles away, however when I make my next shopping trip to Tampa, I want to check out the store in person.
Until then, I have been checking out their site online and see some absolutely adorable pieces that I know my daughter would love. Here is just a few.
They cost a little more than I usually spend, however there are so many adorable things there that you just can't find quality like it anywhere else. I love how they've designed entire outfits, where you can picture each piece combined together as a super-cute outfit. For my family on our budget, I would have to save Hartstrings for special occasions, however I can definitely see making a tradition of getting the holiday or birthday outfit from Hartstrings.
My daughter absolutely loves her outfit and it keeps up with the wear and tear that she gives it. She is asking me for more like it. I was actually browsing the sale section and they've got some cute Christmas long sleeve shirts for under 15 bucks. I may have to get some of the infant sizes for Christmas gifts....hint hint for any of you that still has shopping to do.
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Disclaimer: I was provided a sample of this product for review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions here are my own.
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