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Sunday, January 9, 2011

0 FarmRich Review

For an after school snack, you can't go wrong with FarmRich products. They have a wide selection of snack products in the frozen food section including Pizza slices, Cheese sticks, Meatballs, and even Mushrooms.

I got the pleasure of trying out a new FarmRich product for this review. The only ones that I'd tried previously were the French toast sticks and cheese sticks. I was so excited to try out a new one. While browsing their section in the freezer aisle, my attention went straight to the breaded mushrooms but my kids don't like mushrooms and eventually won me over on getting the Mozzarella bites. They are like a little cheese stick but not in a crumbly breading, more of a soft bagel-like outside.

We baked them and served them for lunch. The kids absolutely loved them! First I only cooked about a third of the package, then a couple hours later, my daughter was begging me to cook the rest for her. They really are tasty. Because the outside is a smooth bread, there's very little mess. You're fingers are covered in breadcrumbs like with regular cheese sticks.

The amount that comes in the bag was enough to feed my children and I twice.(The pic above on the foil is about a third of the bag) That's a pretty good amount. They are so easy to cook and make a great lunch or after-school snack. Now that I've tried these and love them, I am wanting to try the other flavors. FarmRich is definitely on my list for my next shopping trip!

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I was sent this product for the purposes of this review, I did not receive any other compensation. These are my opinions.


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