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Thursday, January 3, 2013

0 Master Lock Review

When it comes to travelling, it is important to keep your belongings secure and safe. Some of you may still not be done doing your holiday travelling. Here are some handy tips from Master Lock to keep in mind.

An average of 34% of Americans spend 1-3 nights away from home during the holidays, making safe travel precautions an important item on the holiday check-list to keep homes and families secure during the holiday season’s hustle and bustle.·         Keep that lived-in look. It is important to make your home appear active while away to discourage potential break-ins by setting a timer for lights inside and out and keeping a radio or TV on to create the illusion someone is home.·         Toast Don’t Post. Resist updating social network accounts with travel plans to avoid having the news of the unoccupied status of your home fall into the wrong hands. Instead, spend that time in the company of friends and family toasting to health and happiness.·         Lock it Down & Carry it On. With a reported 200 items stolen each day from airports, keep valuables and property safe by carrying them with you at all times. Secure checked and carry on items with a TSA-accepted lock and be mindful of your appearance to prevent being a target for theft.
We all take extra precautions not only while travelling, but in our daily lives to ensure that we are victim to theft. Especially doing the work that I do, working in an emergency call center, my eyes are open to just how quickly and easily someone can fall victim of such crimes. We lock our doors when we leave our car in the parking lot, hold our strap to our purse a little tighter when walking through a mall, secure our money in banks, and even keep our important papers in personal safes within our homes. 

I got the opportunity to review the above lock which is perfect for luggage. (Link to product info) Lock up your bags when going to the airport or staying in a hotel. This lock is rather small and lightweight. It has a flexible loop that you can easily maneuver between zipper holes of bags and luggage. It's not your standard lock, it actually secures with the ball being inserted into the lock and it securing as you move the combination codes to lock it.
The lock is a 3 digit combination which is not hard to remember. It's so simple to use and store. With it being a combination lock, you don't have to worry about losing the key, which I find extremely helpful.
I plan to use it for securing my luggage, although my daughter has already asked me if she can use it for her diary. You gotta love kids.
Master Lock is a household name which needs no boasting, but it's a product line that I trust fully and seek out when looking for quality in buying locks.
Everyone stay safe when travelling, secure your items and trust in Master Lock to be there with you keeping your items safe for you.
Disclaimer: I was provided a sample of this product for review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions here are my own.


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