Even though I pass them all the time in Walmart, pick them up, and want them, or whatever reason, I always put it back down. I never used to be like that, if I wanted something, I bought it, no questions asked. I've become so very frugal over the past 2 years while my hubby was out of work and those little things just didn't get purchased. I got to the point where I wouldn't even go down those aisles so I wouldn't be tempted. He is back to work, and my eyes are open again. I'm starting to buy things for myself again and Hard Candy keeps drawing my attention in everytime I see it.
I think the first thing that catches my eye is the beautiful artwork on their packaging. It seems to be geared more for the teens but I just love it! I was lucky enough to receive two Hard Candy products to review.
Hide and Glow duo cheek tint - This has blush on both ends of this stick. It applies very similar to the way a lip balm applies. I don't use blush all the time, but when I do, this will be a very quick, easy way to apply the blush. I only applied a little to both sides and didn't need to do any further blending. That's usually the reason I don't use blush is because you have to blend it evenly on both sides, and before you know it you have rosie cheeks. This one was great for that though. The two colors provided weren't overly powerful in color so you could have that subtle blush look.
The pic is not great because the makeup doesn't really translate over photo from my little snapshot but I thought it turned out great. I look forward to trying more Hard Candy products.
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I was sent this product for the purposes of this review, I did not receive any other compensation. These are my opinions.
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